Da "Il sole 24 ore"
Lunedì, 07 Gennaio 2019 13:51

Eventi di Vision Confindustria: Geoff Mulgan - Persona al centro del progresso - Milano, 7 febbraio

Scritto da

Incontri, workshop e seminari
Connext vedrà non soltanto la presentazione della community ma anche 4 incontri sulla visione del futuro che Confindustria intende proporre, workshop e seminari tematici proposti dalle imprese e pitch di presentazione aziendale, in una delle location più innovative d'Europa.

Tra questi: 

Incontro con Geoff Mulgan 
7 febbraio 2019 11:30 Persona al centro del progresso
Geoff Mulgan CBE is Chief Executive of Nesta, the UK's innovation foundation. Between 1997 and 2004 Geoff had roles in the UK government including director of the Government's Strategy Unit and head of policy in the Prime Minister's office. He has been a visiting professor at LSE, UCL and Melbourne University and is currently a senior visiting scholar at Harvard University. He is a regular lecturer at the China Executive Leadership Academy. He advises many governments around the world and recently chaired a World Economic Forum council on innovation and entrepreneurship. His most recent book is 'Big Mind: how collective intelligence can change our world' (Princeton University Press). His books have been translated into many languages.

Incontro con Stefano Boeri 
8 febbraio 2019 10:00 Aree metropolitane motore dello sviluppo
Stefano Boeri, architetto e urbanista.

Professore Ordinario al Politecnico di Milano e visiting professor in diversi atenei internazionali, dirige il Future City Lab alla Tongji University di Shanghai, un programma di ricerca post-dottorato che approfondisce le trasformazioni delle metropoli planetarie in relazione ai temi della biodiversità e della forestazione urbana. E' stato direttore delle riviste Domus (2004-2007) e Abitare(2007-2011) e autore di numerose pubblicazioni. Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano dal 2011 al 2013, da febbraio 2018 è Presidente della Fondazione La Triennale di Milano.

Incontro con Gry Hasselbach - Fabbrica Intelligente
8 febbraio 2019 11:30 Fabbrica intelligente
Gry Hasselbalch is cofounder of the European thinkdotank DataEthics.eu and coauthor of the book Data Ethics – The New Competitive Advantage (2016). She is an independent advisor and has for over a decade worked with the industry, policymakers, NGOs, and end users in the cross field of tech, ethics, and society. On multiple occasions tasked by international institutions and governments as an independent expert. Most recently, she was appointed member of the European Commission's high level group on AI developing ethics and policy guidelines for AI in Europe as well as one of the 12 members of the Expert Group on Data Ethics providing the Danish government with recommendations. Gry is co chair of the P7006 standard of the IEEE's Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in AI and Autonomous Systems.

Incontro con Francesca Bria 
8 febbraio 2019 15:00 Territorio laboratorio dello sviluppo sostenibile
Francesca Bria is Associate Professor, Researcher and Senior Advisor on Technology and Innovation policy. She has a PhD in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Imperial College, London and MSc on Digital Economy from University of London, Birbeck. As Senior Programme Lead at Nesta, the UK Innovation Agency, she has led the EU D-CENT project, the biggest European Project on digital democracy and digital currencies. She also led the DSI project on Digital Social Innovation in Europe, advising the EU on digital social innovation policies. She has been teaching in several universities in the UK and Italy and she has advised Governments, public and private organizations and movements on Technology and Innovation policy, and its socio-economic impact.

Francesca Bria is an adviser for the European Commission on Future Internet and Innovation Policy. She is currently the Commissioner of Digital Technology and Innovation for the City of Barcelona in Spain and she is leading the DECODE project (http://decodeproject.eu) on data sovereignty in Europe. She is Associate Professor at ESADE Business School and Visiting Professor at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, UCL London. Francesca has been listed in the Top 50 Women in Tech by the Forbes Magazine, and in the World's top 20 most influential people in digital government by Apolitical. She has been also featured in the Italian Magazine Repubblica "D", amongst the 100 Women Changing the World.

Ricordiamo che Connext è la due giorni Confindustria che si svilupperà intorno a quattro driver tematici di sviluppo:

• fabbrica intelligente;
• aree metropolitane motore dello sviluppo;
• il territorio laboratorio dello sviluppo sostenibile;
• la persona al centro del progresso.

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Il programma degli eventi è in costante aggiornamento.

Per saperne di più e per partecipare: connext.confindustria.it

Unisciti a noi, il 7 e 8 febbraio non perderti #Connext2019


Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 24 Gennaio 2019 19:03
Laura Federicis

Coordinatore Area Relazioni Istituzionali e Comunicazione
Relazioni Istituzionali, Comunicazione,
Ufficio Stampa, Centro Studi,
Assistenza Presidenza

Telefono: 085 4325543 - 3405579577
Email: l.federicis@confindustriaabruzzoma.it

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